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4 Ways to Make Your Local Landing Pages Work for You

By Jenna Bruce on Tue, Jun 07, 2016 @ 02:26 PM |


Whether you’re a service area business (SAB) or a brick-and-mortar business with one or more locations, local landing pages give you much-needed visibility for local-focused online searches. Creating optimized pages that are relevant to your customers isn’t as complicated as you may think.

Here are 4 ways to make your local landing pages work for you:

Develop Relevant ContentDevelop Relevant Content

You’ll want to sit down and brainstorm what content should go on your pages. First, jot down every product and/or service you offer along with every local area you serve.

Next, write down any tips or advice that may be unique to a particular location. For instance, different requirements based on local laws or codes, weather and terrain, etc. Think of any special offers you may have and what type of satisfaction guarantees you may offer.

While you may know your business better than anyone, your customers know the kind of help they need, so ask your customers, either in person or through a survey, what their needs are and any questions they may have. You may also use a site like AnswerThePublic.com. This site allows you to discover common questions about your business model. For instance, you can type in ‘house painter’ and you’ll get numerous questions people are asking online in your particular area.

Answering these questions in your content will show off your expertise. This will help you craft your message in a way that speaks directly to prospects. Remember, the more relevant your content is to prospects, the more likely they are to give you their business.

Check Out Your Competitors’ Landing Pages

Take a look at your competitors’ landing pages focusing on the quality of the content, usability, usefulness, and keywords being targeted. Chances are, you’ll see plenty of missed optimization opportunities that will allow you to speed pat them.

Get VisualGet visual

A picture is indeed worth 1000 words, so be sure to use visuals in your landing pages. Here you have a few different option:

  • Photographs – Brick-and-mortar establishments can take photos of their store or shop, as well as happy employees ready to serve the community. You can also take images of your products and services.

Service area businesses can take before and after shots of recent completed projects like a landscaping job, exterior paint job, or installation of an HVAC system.

  • Video – Video is a great way to engage prospects and get them to feel what it would be like to do business with you. You could host a how-to video on your landing page, as well as a video of customer testimonials. Do you have any widely recognized customers? Ask if they would leave a video testimonial. For instance, you just laid the floor at one of the cool, trendy restaurants in town – get them to boast about it on camera. These testimonials can set your business apart from other local competition.
  • Maps – Have multiple locations around the city? Include a map on one of your landing pages pinpointing each location with directions, hours of operation, and contact information.
  • Infographics – Infographics are a great way to educate your visitors. Landscapers can create one about the life cycle of certain plants; personal trainers about the “5 Best Exercises for Leg Muscles”; and mechanics could create one with simple car maintenance tips.
  • Menus – This one is self-explanatory. If you’re a restaurant, café, or deli, you’ll definitely want to include your menu on your landing pages.

Be Location Specific

Are there specifics of your business that change from location to location? If so, be sure to describe these changes on your page. An example would be different class schedules for multiple fitness center locations. This content should be highly visible on the page, as it’s highly relevant to city-specific user groups.

When done right, landing pages are a highly-effective way to deliver your message and get local customers to take action. Gone are the days of landing pages being used solely by online businesses; these pages should be a required element in the marketing toolbox of local brick-and-mortar businesses as well.

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