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Industry Review: Why Tablets are Relevant to the Newspaper Industry

By Amy Xiong on Wed, Nov 09, 2011 @ 06:00 AM |


As mentioned in earlier blogs: ‘Finding Success in Print and Online Media’ and ‘Industry Review: Tablets Part 1’ the use of tablets are becoming more widely used by consumers. To keep up with consumers, advertisers are beginning to use Internet browsing and apps to reach their customer base.

Advertisers have moved to include tablet advertising in their strategies. Because of the relationship with advertisers and publications, publications need to evolve with their advertisers to stay ahead and keep up with competitors.

Many newspaper publishers do more than just have standalone Smartphone apps in their integrated digital strategies because of the popularity of iPads. This has helped counteract the drop off in revenues from falling print sales. Another thing which will help print sales is the eNewspapers delivered to portable devices. This is estimated to exceed $1.1 billion by 2016. However, publishers have to set digital subscriptions to lower prices because of the free online news and infotainment sources available. This means tablet aggregator news products are dependent on advertisers to be successful.  The pressure of the lower prices is also caused by NeoNewspapers publications such as: The Early Edition and Flipboardwhich create newspaper/magazine style content on tablets through social media/RSS Feeds and brand partners.

There are newspapers publishing on tablets either exclusively or in addition to print. This number is growing daily. Newspapers and magazines are adjusting to the landscape and leading the way for advertisers to take advantage of this medium.

Please be sure to check back for next week’s blog on “Tablets and Magazines.”  

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