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Five in Five: Interview with Advertising Leader Jessica Birk

By Hannah Hill on Mon, Feb 04, 2013 @ 02:00 PM |


The Five in Five interview series highlights individuals in the advertising and marketing field and their path to success. Throughout 2013 we will be posting our interviews with a variety of successful individuals. The five questions will vary from traditional work-related questions to questions that delve into their unique hobbies and interests. It is our hope that you are able to take something away from each interview in the series.

We are going to kick off the Five in Five interview series with Jessica Birk. Jessica is the senior vice president, group director of media strategy at ID Media and has been with the company since 1993. She is an alumna of the University of Rochester in New York.

1. What's the one mobile app you can't live without? 

My favorite mobile app is Facebook. On a business note, I like to see the different ways advertisers are using this vehicle to reach consumers—which ads are served, which brands have a Facebook page, how they design their page, etc. On a personal note, I am extremely busy working long hours and trying to spend as much time as possible with my family. As such, I do not have as much time as I would like to catch up with friends. Facebook allows me to catch up with all my friends and extended family while I am on the go—particularly when I am commuting to and from work.

2. How do you get your news? Jessica Birk

I read two newspapers every day— The New York Times and The New York Post. They both
give me the news but a totally different perspective and I read both digitally. I read newspapers on my iPad or computer. Occasionally, I read the news on my iPhone, but I typically prefer to read news on a larger screen.

3. What is the toughest lesson you've learned in your career?

Not to default to the “way it has always been done.”  Change and flexibility are the most critical components to growth in anyone’s career and it is imperative to be open to new ideas, new procedures and new people in order to be successful.

4. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?

Reality TV is my favorite guilty pleasure—specifically shows on Bravo, but I am open to any reality shows!

5. How do you spend the first hour of your day?

I spend the first hour of every day getting my two sons ready for their day (getting them dressed and giving them breakfast) and getting myself ready for work. Needless to say, it is a hectic hour, but one of my favorite times of the day! The first hour of my work day is spent preparing for my day. I review my schedule and get ready for all upcoming meetings. This may involve reading decks, preparing for a client meeting or making notes of items to cover in various internal or external status meetings. I also like to share relevant news articles with my team, particularly if it is about one of our clients or their overall industry.

Check back often for the latest Five in Five interview. In the meantime, read our latest Shatter the Status Quo (STSQ) interview with Justin Kaufenberg, co-founder and CEO of TST Media. Download the interview now and learn how people at TST Media are working shoulder-to-shoulder to accomplish a greater goal, all while having fun.

Download our STSQ interview with Justin Kaufenberg

Hannah Hill is a marketing specialist at Mediaspace Solutions. Her marketing experience includes writing, social media and event management. You can connect with Hannah on LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+.

five in five interview series interview Jessica Birk
