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Five in Five: Interview with Advertising Leader Steve Wendling

By Hannah Hill on Mon, Feb 18, 2013 @ 01:45 PM |


Mediaspace Solutions’ Five in Five interview series highlights individuals in the advertising and marketing field and their path to success. Throughout 2013 we will be posting our interviews with a variety of successful individuals. If you missed the inaugural Five in Five interview with Jessica Birk, you can view it here. These interviews contain answers to a combination of traditional work-related questions and questions revolving around their personal interests, all of which help us get to know the advertising leader a little better. It is our hope that you are able to take something away from each interview in the series.

We conducted our most recent Five in Five interview with Steve Wendling. Steve is the media director at Riley Hayes, a Minneapolis-based ad agency. He develops digital and traditional campaigns for some of the world’s leading brands. Steve received his B.A. from the University of Iowa where he studied communications and English. Read the interview below to find out Steve’s favorite guilty pleasure.

1. What's the one mobile app you can't live without?

Twitter. It instantly gives me an update on the most relevant information regarding my friends, colleagues and clients. And, it's easy to dive deeper into any of the news if I need to. 

2. How do you get your news?Five in Five Interview with Steve Wendling

In addition to seeking out headlines of the day on Twitter, I'll check AP & Google news. I also always keep up on the editorial and opinion writers from The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times to make sure I get both sides of the story. For industry news I comb through Clickz, Digiday, MediaPost, Business Insider, among others. The Comscore app is also great to keep up on the latest in digital marketing.

3. What is the toughest lesson you've learned in your career?

You have to dig deep to make sure the culture of the company you are going to work for fits you. Also, you can't go wrong when you surround yourself with people who are curious, optimistic, smart and who will do anything for the team.

4. What's your favorite guilty pleasure?

1980s music. I grew up on it, and with apps like Pandora and Spotify I can listen to those rare Police and U2 tracks from back in the day anytime, anywhere. 

5. How do you spend the first hour of your day?

Like many in the ad biz, the early morning hours are used checking email and working on client presentations and combing through news and marketing blogs. However, the first hour of the day is quickly taken over by getting my two boys ready for a big day of pre-school and first grade. 

There you have it – the inside scoop on Steve Wendling. Stay tuned for our next Five in Five interview which will be published soon. In the meantime, why don’t you take a look at our research report on the 10 benefits of local advertising? Download the report now to learn about the strength of readership in daily and weekly newspapers and how you can take advantage of advertising via local newspapers.

Download the 10 Benefits of Local Advertising eBook

Hannah Hill is a marketing specialist at Mediaspace Solutions. Her marketing experience includes writing, social media and event management. You can connect with Hannah on LinkedIn, Facebook or Google+.

five in five interview series advertising agency
