What's on Tap...
A brew of marketing and advertising news for your insatiable knowledge palette

Finding the Cure: The Power of Predictive Analytics

By Jenna Bruce on Wed, Aug 12, 2020 @ 12:47 PM in integrated marketing plan, advertising techniques, google, analytics

It wasn’t that long ago that doctors could focus on being doctors and treating patients. But today’s doctors must also be stealth marketers, able to engage their audience and get them to walk through their doors.

But, just as the role of doctors has...

3 Ways Data Analytics Helps Small Business Owners and How to get Started

By Jenna Bruce on Fri, Jul 10, 2020 @ 02:42 PM in advertising capabilities, advertising strategy, google, analytics, data research

Do a Google search on the topic of “big data” case studies and you’ll uncover a goldmine of examples. For instance, here’s an article that highlights 37 case studies in which companies got big results when using the data at their disposal.

Now the...

4 Ways Data Can Improve Your Marketing Campaigns

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Feb 17, 2020 @ 11:47 AM in ROI, analytics, data research, big data

If I say the words “predictive analytics,” what do you think of? If you’re like a lot of people, you flashback to high school trigonometry class where you fell deeper and deeper into a mental fog with each word the teacher uttered.

While the topic...

5 Valuable Marketing Lessons from Ferris Bueller

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Sep 03, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in personalization, analytics, customer engagement, lead nuturing, big data

It’s that time of year again. The leaves are starting to turn, the air is filled with cooler breezes, and kids everywhere are driving their parents nuts as they shop for 5-subject notebooks and the latest fall fashion trends.

It’s back to school...

5 Direct Mail Marketing Mistakes You Hope You’re Not Making – But Probably Are

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Jun 04, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in direct mail, ROI, analytics, data research

According to findings from a Temple University study, direct mail campaigns have a greater effect on buying decisions than digital ads. The study found that participants had stronger emotional responses from physical ads, and that those physical ads...


The Why and How of Personalized Healthcare Marketing

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, May 21, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in personalization, analytics, healthcare, data research

Brands like Amazon, Facebook and Spotify figured out long ago that personalization and individualized content create a better, more satisfying user experience. And for today’s consumers, that’s all that really matters.

Consumers of healthcare are no...

Mapping Your Customer’s Journey – Why Do It. How to Do It.

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Apr 30, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in ROI, analytics, customer engagement

As a business owner, there are two things you are continually trying to do: generate more sales and improve your brand’s image. Now I’m guessing in order to do these two things, you think you have to think like a business owner. But that’s not the...

How to Use All That Data in Your Marketing

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Apr 02, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in optimization, media schedule, analytics, data research

Big Data is a bit like a treadmill: it’s easy enough to get your hands on a treadmill, but to really transform your health and body, you’ve got to actually use it. Many marketers pay for Big Data every month, but then haven’t a clue how to make it...


6 Tips for Effective Lead Nurturing Campaigns

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Mar 12, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in strategy, analytics, lead nuturing

In recent years, more of our clients have realized that inbound marketing creates warm leads, and warm leads are the ones with the biggest potential to convert. But generating these leads isn’t enough. Marketers must develop lead nurturing...

What Makes a Good Print Marketing Campaign?

By Jenna Bruce on Mon, Jan 15, 2018 @ 10:00 AM in customer trust, print marketing, frequency, budget, analytics

Here are a few things I will never understand:

  • The ending to “The Matrix Reloaded.”
  • Why people like baked beans.
  • Why so many marketers are still throwing their entire marketing budgets at digital channels like social media and mobile marketing,...