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7 Tips for Effective Flyer Advertising

By Jenna Bruce on Tue, May 17, 2016 @ 12:27 PM |


Advertising with flyers is a low-cost marketing option for small, local business. Flyers are a great way to introduce your new business to a specific region or demographic, or promote a new product or service to your local community. For instance, a local deli may target the office worker market through flyer distribution to direct businesses. A new cleaning service may insert flyers into the local newspaper to reach a certain geographic area.

If you’re considering adding flyer advertising to your marketing mix, follow these 7 tip to get the most bang for your buck.

Use a Bold Headline

Flyers aren’t just longer versions of business cards, so don’t use your company name as the headline. Use an attention-grabbing headline that highlights the benefits you’re offering.

Customers are only interested in how you can help them solve a problem. What’s a more effective headline: “Sam’s Lawn Care” or “Let Us Mow Your Lawn So You Can Enjoy Your Summer!”

Be HumanBe Human

Your local customers are itching to give you their business instead of handing over their money to large, faceless companies. Make sure you share the people behind your products and services by including some personal photos. Also, share your company’s story. How and why did you start this business? Did your father start it 33 years ago and the family has been providing quality jewelry sales and repair ever since? Be human.

Use a Call-to Action

By using a bold headline, focusing on the benefits you offer customers, and sharing your personal story and humanity, you’ve laid the groundwork for acquiring a sale. So don’t stop now! Use a call-to-action to tell the customer exactly what you want them to do: pick up the phone, bring in a coupon for 15% off a bag of horse feed, like you on Facebook, etc.

It’s also a great idea to use calls-to-action that prompt repeat or future sales. For instance, using something like, “Book before August 11th and receive a coupon for 10% off your next purchase.” This rewards your new customer when they return to use your services again in the future.

Ask them to pass it onAsk Them to Pass it On

You know the old saying, “Pass it on,” well that very much applies to flyer advertising. Let’s say a local resident sees your flyer in the Sunday paper, but they themselves don’t have a pool so don’t require a pool cleaner. Perhaps they know someone who could use your services. Word of mouth advertising is powerful, so leverage it by including something in your copy that asks the reader to pass on the flyer to someone who may be interested in your product or service.

Use Both Sides

While it is cheaper to only print on one side, it doesn’t cost much more to print on both sides. And, when you think about the fact you’re paying to have your flyer distributed, you might as well get more of your message out there for a slightly higher cost.

Obviously you don’t want your flip side to compete with your main message, so consider using the backside for things like:

  • A comprehensive list of services
  • A map of your exact location
  • Customer testimonials
  • Recent awards


Flyers are no different than any other type of marketing channel when it comes to testing. Always see if you can get an even better return by changing up the headline, body copy and images. Sometimes the smallest changes can bring the biggest results.

Proof Before Submitting Your Order

There’s nothing worse than ordering thousands of flyers and THEN finding a mistake or two. Once your order has been printed, that’s it, there’s no going back and fixing mistakes. Mistakes can undermine all of your advertising efforts, so hire a professional editor if need be to go over your text with a fine-toothed comb.

Flyers are one of the most cost-efficient and effective ways for local businesses to reach their target audience. By following these 7 tips you’ll have a much better chance of ensuring your campaigns increase your reach, leads, and sales.

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